Chung’s main environmental enthuses is on keeping plastic out of landfill. All our production waste is collected by a plastic recycler. Some of that clean waste comes back to us as pellets which we then extrude into film products with a recycled content specification and the balance is supplied to other plastic manufacturers. The coloured and printed waste is converted into film products such as building films.
We assist our large users with setting up disposal of their waste plastic into a recycling stream & we educate all other customers in how to educate the end user on recycling plastic film products & plastic bags. We can all collect them in our home and dispose of them in bins provided by our local supermarket.
When printing bags we offer to also print a message on recycling on the bag. We also use, on request & where suitable a totally degradable plastic additive supplied by EPI Environmental Plastic Inc. which ensures the plastic will degrade in or out of landfill. Therefore the bags have a limited shelf life and so we advise our customers on effective application of this option.
Incorporated with our OH&S and Quality Procedure practises, appropriate housekeeping procedures are followed to properly handle and dispose of printing inks and associated materials.